Well that was totally me a couple of weeks ago. I figured since there were so many things going on that were stressing me out that at the very least I could go get a great workout at Stroller Fit.
Go figure, when I aim for a stress-free day the day begins out with obstacles in full force.
My daughter, who as of birth, became my alarm clock, slept in and so did I. Running late for us is ever so hectic and yes stressful. I despise being late, although now that I'm a mom I'm finding that's typically the rule rather than the exception.
When my little one finally did wake up she was not a happy camper. I thought to myself, "I NEED to go to Stroller Fit." Somehow I convinced her to get dressed and out the door, phew! Of course...the exact moment I pulled the mini-van out of the garage my lovely orange gas light popped on..Noooooooo!
Do I risk breaking down on the highway with my daughter in the car?? FINE! Again, thinking, "But after gas I'm STILL going to StrollerFit."
Finally, I made it to Stroller Fit!!! You would think that I would be relieved to hav emade it to class after everything that stood in my way. But, all I could think was how hard the workout would be after a whole week off, and that it was!
There was a moment during our first run where I came so close to giving up and just walking the rest of it. But I believed in myself and a great fran ran my last leg with me for support. Boy, I needed that!
After some more great and challenging exercises we ended up on one of our favorite (and by favorite I mean most dreaded) hills.
Our instructor was diong a great job of pushing us to our limits. I swear we ran up and down that hill 20 times, althought there's a chance it really could have been more like 6. As I ran up the last real lap (not the "last lap" that the instructor shouts out "last lap, okay one more, one more,) I thought my legs would give out and my lung would collapse, but I pushed and ran all the way up past the starting line. I DID IT!
Before I knew what was happening I was sobbing. My first break of relief, it was an amazing breakthrough. At that moment everything that had been stressing me out up to class suddenly seemed so small. I can conquer it all.
So along with great verbal and physical support I got some amazing healing that day. Thanks to some wonderful people and a great workout. Who would have thought Stroller Fit would be such great therapy????